José and Pharaoh in Austin

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José’s brothers were jealous of him because he learned and studied while they just drank beer and hung out all day and he was the favorite of his hard working parents. So the brothers sold José to narcotraficantes who made him carry drugs up into Egypt Tejas, where he was arrested. In jail, he helped other inmates write letters and learn and get legal help and even the jail warden asked for his advice and profited greatly from it. And one day, the jail warden was in the palace Capitol and one of the officials of the land said to him: “we have troubling signs, fires, droughts, odd weather, troubles, we don’t know what to do.” And the warden said, we have a kid in the jail, don’t laugh, he’s so smart that a lot of us take his advice on all sorts of things, maybe he knows. So they brought José to the Capitol and he spoke to the officials and he said: Science has proven you are putting too much carbon into the atmosphere and in any case, you know that the Land of Tejas has sometimes long droughts and uncertain weather so what you must do during the next few years of prosperity is tax the oil companies who are fat with wealth and build up a rainy day fund for the bad times, make solar and wind power plants, and hire, equip, and train firefighters for surely it doesn’t take much sense to know that if it gets dry for a long time your woods will burn.“ And the officials all laughed at Jose and the Warden. And the Pharaoh Perry Abbott came down and laughed too and he said: “Taxes hurt economic growth and also interfere with my contributions” and so the Warden led poor Jose back to jail and the officials cut the money for firefighting so they could protect oil company tax gifts and also pay a lot of road contractors and stuff. And then everything caught fire and burned down and the Lord said: I can’t believe I made a bunch of dumbass clowns like that. What was I thinking?

The END.

Written in 2010 and updated August 2023 by replacing Perry with Abbott.

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